Wednesday 18 September 2024

Personal Attacks Instead Of Evolution Facts?

 Recently there was a quick video I watched that basically dismantled evolution in a sort of bite size three minute clip. 

The response was of course, no surprise. Every evolutionist responded with an assertion that evolution is true combined with some sort of personal insult revolving around the creationist not understanding evolution.

If we were to see this from a psychological perspective, what do the usual arrogant vituperative vitriols of the atheists really represent?

Because if you ask for facts for evolution but their response is personal attacks then what message does that ultimately send?

The first response is ASSERTION. To barely assert evolution is factual (without any backing) Psychologically they then REINFORCE this with a personal attack. 

In an amusing sort of way, you could see it as them saying something like this if their psychology was to be displayed by what they say; "Hey, how dare you, you have shown evolution false therefore I blame you as creationists for this! So I will therefore say that you are the problem by asserting you just don't understand the theory! As a solution, rather than showing evolution is impressive in some way I will just attack you personally as my revenge!"

Kind of a SWITCHAROO. Because evolution can't be supported, they instead say that the people that don't accept it are what is at fault instead of evolution. Sort of a tu-quoque type fallacy;

Thin boy says to a fat boy, "you are fat", so the fat boy being annoyed then attacks the thin boy personally, because he knows he is fat and can't do anything about it. so he blames being fat on the thin boy like evolutionists blame creationists for showing them evolution is false. (tu-quoque fallacy)

But how does responding to evolution being unsupported by blaming creationists, actually support evolution? Does it help the fat boy to get any thinner if he responds this way to the thin boy?

Conclusion; So the point here is; it would have been far, far more convincing if evolutionists could just provide something convincing for macro-evolution but they know there isn't anything so this is all they can really do; spread propaganda and a stereotype that evolution is true and anyone that doesn't believe it just doesn't understand it. But that doesn't provide any argument for evolution.

The majority of atheists I come across seem to think that personal attacks replace evolution-facts. If they really were scientific and understood their own theory, they would know that it is ironic how utterly biased, prejudiced and UNSCIENTIFIC they come across as when they make the whole thing personal. 

They may as well just shake their fist at God; "Damn you for existing and being the answer!" Because let's face it, there is pretty much no group on earth that is as transparent as the atheists that dress up as "scientific and rational" without ever looking in the mirror and growing a modicum of self-awareness about how they come across with their lame propaganda that "they are scientific and rational and those that argue for God are religious and wishful thinkers".

My advice to honest people just looking for the truth? Don't be stupid enough to believe people that behave like this, and see there has to be a reason why they behave like schoolyard bullies.

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