Polymerisation is the process of taking the correct molecular monomers and stringing them together to get polymers such as nylon.
You find polymers of amino acids only in life. (proteins) There is also the DNA polymer of nucleic acids.
Scientifically, and logically, the only known cause in the universe to have provably created polymers is intelligent agents. (Such as when chemists make nylon)
There is no known natural process that can create polymers through polymerisation from scratch, such as the science fictional abiogenesis process (Ironic)
What is it that creates a polymer? Well it is basically the correct selection of monomers. So if you want to create a protein you need specified complexity, the correct arrangement! That is to say, for aminos to be created as a string you need them to be homochiral (left handed) so that the carboxy can kick out a water molecule and create a peptide bond. If water is reintroduced to the chain it is destroyed if the energy is high enough to override the kinetic energy issue. (hydrolysis).
So, you need to govern all those things, you have to manipulate the right molecules, etc.
In other words, scientifically speaking, not only is the only known cause of polymerisation our own intelligent chemists, but also it is scientifically provable that if you remove specified complexity from the living cell, you also have polymers fall apart.
1. The only way to get polymers that is scientifically proven, is intelligent design.
2. The thing that destroys polymers in cells, is removing the intelligent design.
those two conclusions are not up for debate, unless for one million pounds you can show a polymer still exist if it's features of design are removed or show a polymer be created from scratch outside of life. In other words it is impossible for this argument to be wrong, because this is proven scientific fact.
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