Monday 27 May 2024

What Is Islam Famous For?

 If I were to ask a Muslim or a Hindui or a Buddhist, "what is the chief message, what is the FAMOUS thing your religion offers or is famous for? Something we all know means something of immense significance."

I propose that nobody of those religions would know what to say. If you ask them what their religion means they usually start mentioning some very small things we all already get along with and know about such as, "it gives respect" or, "it follows these rules, and make you happy"....etc.

BUT BE HONEST, not only do the followers not know what that famous and significant thing is, but NOBODY KNOWS what Islam really means, or Hinduism.

The truth is, ultimately they don't mean anything because they're just invented by men of certain countries long ago.

But if you ask what Christianity means, it has an immensely significant meaning; that God became flesh to die for humanity's sins so as to bring us back to God and set us on a course for an eternal paradise. Jesus dying on the cross, God in human form is FAMOUS. Everyone knows the immensity of this.

Can you say that of any other religion? Not really....ask yourself now.....what do they mean? Think about it! They don't really mean anything because they aren't the true religion.

Think about it, if you were Muslim, converting to Christianity wouldn't be a problem because you would be taking on something with great meaning. But I have never heard of one genuine person that converted to Islam from Christianity because that would be to go from something of immense meaning to something with no meaning.

what do you lose if you leave Islam or Hinduism behind? Just admit it, YOU LOSE NOTHING. But to leave Christianity behind is to lose a true fellowship with God. It is to lose actually knowing God and God knowing you personally. 

God died for all people on the cross in human form. Is that meaningful? Show me something more meaningful in Islam or Hinduism or any of the false religions you deliberately conflate and lump the true religion in with.

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