Sunday 8 November 2015

Stasis Not A Problem For Evolution?

Evolutionists seem to think that we are UNAWARE of the CONJECTURE of the theory of evolution, that would state that stasis or fixity or normalized selection, was acceptable/expected in some cases.

 Yes of course we know that technically speaking, an organism remaining stable in it's niche is not necessarily a problem as such for evolution theory on a technicality, but that is only the beginning of the issue.

Technically if a claim is made that superman exists, yes - technically I agree that if you only ever see the superman-claimant walking like a normal man and not performing like superman should, it is true that this does not technically disprove he is superman. I, "get" this. But it is a MOOT point, because if you only ever see him act like a normal man then what has that got to do with superman? Nothing!

 For if we only ever saw the superman-claimant walking and acting within a range of the abilities of a normal man - sure, you could still argue this doesn't BREAK the superman-theory, but let's face it, you would be using desperately WEAK CONJECTURE as an excuse for not seeing the correct inference as to where the evidence is actually pointing, and it would be pointing away from this guy being superman.

Like superman-claims, molecules-to-man evolution is a FANTASTIC claim, it claims that molecules can lead to grass, trees, fleas, peas and hairy-knees,the evidence EQUIVALENT to that claim, would be to show all of the transitionals we would expect to see, just for STARTERS, just as we would expect a superman-claim to show us abilities superman has, we would expect evolution to show us it's abilities, by showing us how it created a bat, by showing us PRE-bat intermediates, or showing us how a starfish or seahorse came to exist, by showing us PRE-seahorses/starfish, or how a spider evolved it's legs or how flying insects evolved wings. What we actually see is complete bats, complete winged insects, and never any direct evidence of intermediates.

So it is to miss the point entirely to only comment that stasis, "is not a problem for evolution", because that is only the BEGINNING of the matter. Such a tenuous comment could be claimed for any theory that could accommodate any and all of the evidence.

Furthermore, what would we expect to see if evolution had not happened? If we were digging up jellyfish today, how could we find out if evolution had not happened? Well "Not evolution" would be, "not change", because evolution means "change". We could obviously only expect the jellyfish to be identical apart from superficial changes, being unevolved because it was created from the start to be a jellyfish. So if it was not evolution we would expect there to not be any change in the fossils. And this is what we see across the board, in a whole range of organisms.

Like with the superman example, a whole lot of, "not superman" would be, "not superman abilities", so then is it logical to say that a whole lot of "not evolution" favours evolution? How then can we evidence an absence of evolution? The only way to evidence the absence of evolution is to show it's absence.

The list of organisms that appear and then remain unchanged or, "un-evolved" is extensive, here is only a few of them; as you can see, they are of all diverse types;

The Coelacanth Fish (340 million years old) 
Gingko Trees (125 million years), 
Crocodiles (140 million years), 
Horseshoe Crabs (200 million years), 
The Lingula lamp shell (450 million years), 
Neopilina Molluscs (500 million years), 
The Tuatara Lizard (200 million years).
Avocets (65 million years)
Wollemi Pine (150 million years)
Ferns (180 million years)
Nightcap Oak (20 million years, based on fossilized nut)
Maple Tree (30-50 million years/ Eocene)
Jellyfish (500 million years)
Alligators (75 million years)
Gracilidris Ant (15-20 million years preserved in amber)
Turtles (110 million years)
Gladiator Insect (45 million years)
Lace Bugs (15 -200 million years, amber)
Starfish (500 million years)
Bats (48-54 million years)
Golden Orb-Weaver Spider (165 million years)
Pelican Spider (44 million years)
Shrimp - (100-300 million years)
Rabbitfish - (150 million years)
Gall Mites - (amber - 230 million years)
Sponge, Nucha naucum - (220 million years)
Octopus - (90 million years)
Dragonflies. (can't find a date, but they were a lot bigger but that's all, I guess the Carboniferous)
Laonastes Rodent (10 million years up, can't find exact date)
Millipedes. (3-400 million years, aprox)
Sharks: (450 million years)
Vascular plants, land plants. (400 million)
Proxylastodoris kuscheli Beetle. (40-50 million) --was believed extinct until recently--
non-marine ostracod. Eocene --was believed extinct until recently--
Sabalites Palm tree - Eocene (30-50 million years)
Hydrangea? (23-33 million years/Oligocene)
Alnus flower (23-33 million years/Oligocene)
Swartzia is a tropical tree with some 200 species today (30-50 million years/ Eocene))
Alder tree (23-33 million years/Oligocene)
Sycamore. "The leaf is not too different from those on the living tree" (30-50 million years/ Eocene)
Crinoid Anthedon (150 million years)
Tardigrada (micro-bears) - 520 million years. (they have many things that large animals have including a gut, eyes, osphagus, brain and mouth)
Herring fish (35-55 million years)
Garfish ( 30-55 million years)
Earliest spider (300 million years)
Grasshopper (100 million years)
Frog (280 million years)
Bees (100 million years - amber)

There is no evolution in any of these. Take one of them, a bee. It appears, a bee, as a fossil, appears as a bee today, and before the earliest bee, has no ancestors, meaning you are seeing 0% macro-evolution for a bee. Now before you object, "but bees would have had ancestors that had wings", okay, I'm fair, I am aware that evolution might say the evolution of particular large-scale changes might be at the base of the clade, so then, show me the ancestors of bees and other flying insects in that clade, that did have to evolve insect wings. Show me the evolution of insect wings! There is none, all we find is the same type of unchanged organisms according to their kind. A dragon fly for example, found in the Carboniferous IIRC, identical to todays only larger in scale. 

DISCLAIMER: If we find a human footprint at 3 million years old, and modern humans according to evolution, evolved later, obviously the clade for primates was still in existence according to evolution, and hominids would still be alive, to technically I would not say that a 3 million year old human was out-of-place enough to completely rule out evolution in that regard, that is not my claim, however it would be significant if we found a member of a species that existed before that family existed, before their clades. So this list of organisms isn't an attempt as such, to disprove evolution, but rather this compiled list represents a picture of evidence which clearly isn't supportive of evolution, unless by mental gymnastics, we basically create endless excuses for evolution's absence, which I am afraid is only conjecture, and facts and evidence should be more consequential than excuses.

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